
Swinney’s Government starts as damaged goods

Author / Creator: Dean M Thomson

Media type: Article

Date published:

THE SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT is a reputationally challenged disaster-zone, struggling beneath myriad policy-outcome failures. There is a good reason John Swinney has emerged as SNP leader and new First Minister, unopposed. The leadership crown has become something of a poisoned chalice.

How did we get here? The SNP’s unravelling political strategy and the 2024 UK General Election.

Author / Creator: Mark McGeoghegan

Media type: Article

Date published:

For the first time in eight years, Scotland will have an election that is not first and foremost about Scottish secession from the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, understanding the dynamics of the constitutional debate in Scotland, and particularly the SNP’s failure to secure a second secessionist referendum and the disarming of the SNP’s most powerful electoral narratives, remains crucial for understanding how we came to this place in Scottish politics.

How devolution shaped modern Scotland: referendums, SNP dominance and a changed UK

Author / Creator: Adam Le Grice

Media type: Article

Date published:

The years that followed the SNP victory in the Scottish Parliament saw a radical change in the political landscape of Scotland and the UK

On Surprises, Strategy, the Economy and What Comes Next for Scottish Independence

Author / Creator: Iain Docherty

Media type: Article

Date published:

Nicola Sturgeon's resignation as First Minister and leader of the SNP has thrown Scottish politics into flux. But beneath the superficial media coverage and frenetic party politics that followed her resignation, the fundamentals of the constitutional debate remain unaltered. One of these fundamentals, the extent to which Scotland is better or worse off being part of the UK political economy, is rarely debated in the depth it deserves.

Can the SNP win on July 4?

Author / Creator: Kirsty Hughes

Media type: Article

Date published:

Just days before Rishi Sunak’s bizarrely soggy general election call, the latest YouGov poll gave Labour a lead of 39% to just 29% for the SNP. That would decimate the SNP at Westminster and let Keir Starmer claim to speak for Britain (if not the whole UK).

FFS explains: Political polling as 2024 begins

Author / Creator: Ferret journalists

Media type: Article

Date published:

It is the start of a significant year in Scottish politics, with voters likely to go to the polls in the first UK general election since 2019.

While polling currently puts the Labour Party ahead of the Conservatives UK-wide by a significant margin, in Scotland, the SNP’s decade-long lead among voters is coming under threat.

The party is also facing internal struggles over its path to securing independence, with polling suggesting the public is still split in its support for Scotland leaving the UK.

The methods of Russian interference in Scottish politics

Author / Creator: George Allison

Media type: Article

Date published: 2022

One of the key methods used by Russia to interfere in Scottish politics is through cyber-attacks.

The Dead Center: Reflections on Liberalism and Democracy After the End of History

Author / Creator: Luke Savage

Media type: Book

Date published: 2022

"The Dead Centre, a collection of essays by the Jacobin writer Luke Savage, probes the afterlife of Blairism—or, rather, its variants in Canada and the US. Gone is the hegemonic swagger of the Clinton generation. What we have now is a feeble rehash of the Third Way. Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau may think of themselves as hard-headed pragmatists ready to make painful political compromises for the sake of progress.

Scotland the Bold

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Book

Date published: November 2016

For self-government to have any meaning it...requires that we begin to talk honestly and maturely about Scotland's future and some of the difficult choices we will have to make; reflecting on where we have come from, what we are proud of, mistakes, and how we do things better in the future.

Scotland the Brave? Twenty Years of Change and the Future of the Nation

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: eBook

Date published: 2019

Politics took a decisive turn twenty years ago with the birth of the modern Scottish Parliament. People in Scotland want to ‘make a difference’ and build a better future. Scotland the Brave? offers both an acute assessment of where we are today and a route map to the future.

Scotland After the Virus

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Book

Date published:

Is there an 'after the virus', or is covid-19 and a world of future pandemics simply something we will have to live with for an indefinite period of time? In all honesty, no one knows the answer to that, which is why it is so destabilising.

The Scottish Parliament

Author / Creator: Emily St Denny

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

Scottish Parliament has met some, but not all, of the public and policymakers’ original expectations.

Green Politics

Author / Creator: Antje Brown

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

Scottish decision makers shy away from a determined green approach. Can Green ambitions and national identity politics be pursued together?

Ethnic Minorities and Political Citizenship in Scotland

Author / Creator: Emma Hill

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

There is a gap between the ‘aspirational pluralism’ espoused by political elites, and Scotland’s record on the representation of ethnic minorities in politics.

Youth Politics in Scotland: Participation and Inclusion

Author / Creator: Iain MacLeod

Date published: 2020

A look at the effects of reducing voting age and efforts to increase participation of youth in politics.

Women, Gender, and Politics in Scotland

Author / Creator: Meryl Kenny

Date published: 2020

There has been uneven progress made for women as political actors and for gender as an issue in post-devolution Scottish politics.

Understanding Scotland - Society

Author / Creator: Diffley Partnership

Media type: survey report

Date published: October 2021

A look at Scottish society as we emerge from the pandemic, and addresses the fundamental questions: Is Scotland on the right track? Where do we want to go as a country? And who do we trust to help us get there?

Left-wing regionalist populism in the ‘Celtic’ peripheries: Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party’s anti-austerity challenge against the British elites

Author / Creator: Emanuele Massetti

Media type: Academic Paper

Date published:

This article shows that the SNP and Plaid Cymru have adopted a left-wing populist discourse, based on a critique of austerity policies.  

The Future of the United Kingdom’s Territorial Constitution: Can the Union Survive?

Author / Creator: Aileen McHarg

Media type: Book

Date published:

The results of Brexit present an ongoing threat to the survival of the UK as a unitary state.

Tax Research UK

Author / Creator: Richard Murphy

Media type: Blog

Date published:

This blog is written by Richard Murphy as a narrative commentary on tax, economics, and related political issues.